What is an RBA?
RBAs have a bunch of items in them from my personal collection over the past 30 years that are promised to be worth more, sometimes MUCH more than the price of the RBA.
May Include any of the following:
Call sheets from shows
SDCC Collectable bag
Pins, patches & buttons- some in nice boxes
Random collectables- personal things from my collection that I have saved over the years.
Autographed card
Autographed headshot(s)
B5 color cast photo- autographed by Patricia
Other autographs from actors who signed something for me such as a program book.
Collectable magazines- I have an extensive collection from the 1990s of horror and sci-fi
CDs & DVDs
T-shirt- from cons and events of the 1990s
Minimum price value = $300 (or priceless!!)