Holiday Gift Ideas
We at B5Events love ARTISTS! Please consider shopping with these wonderful folks for your holiday gifts, birthdays, and collectable items for yourself! On the B5Events store we also have some cool gift ideas. Thank you for visiting!
Ahem: If you wish to submit your artist page for inclusion here, we need a link to your site, a nice image and a few sentences about your art and services. Send to: helpelf@magicalliving.us

We at B5Events love ARTISTS! Please consider shopping with these wonderful folks for your holiday gifts, birthdays, and collectable items for yourself! On the B5Events store we also have some cool gift ideas. Thank you for visiting!
Ahem: If you wish to submit your artist page for inclusion here, we need a link to your site, a nice image and a few sentences about your art and services. Send to: pattallmannewsletter@gmail.com
I own the Etsy site Nerdly Goodness, where I specialize in creating nerdy shoes. They are hand painted and customized however you wish, and I love it when people send me their shoes so I know they fit! Shoes are priced $65 and up.
Leaky Pen Productions
My name is Hal Moore. I’m an artist who specializes in colorful portraits. I use a wide range of media, including: colored pencils, gouache, brush pens, acrylic and watercolor. I have prints and original drawings/paintings for sale on my Etsy page.
SAM HAIN – Book Series by Bron James
Follow the adventures of the eponymous occult detective, Sam Hain, as he and burgeoning psychic, Alice Carroll, investigate a series of supernatural situations, crack clandestine conspiracies, explore the ethereal, and battle with forces far beyond the real. Meanwhile, in the abyss of some unworldly dimension an evil is stirring, and from across the void a darkness is coming…
AUTUMN STAR – Tim Kuzniar
The Autumnstar website for Tim Kuzniar functions as an online portfolio of science fiction & fantasy artwork. The site presents numerous pieces that Mr. Kuzniar has done over the years for SF&F & Media Conventions. Fans are encouraged to contact Mr. Kuzniar, using either the ‘Contact’ page on the site itself at tim@autumnstar.net
LOVE ME MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD – Autobiography by Mira Furlan
We thank all of Mira’s supporters for their continued show of love as we celebrate her miraculous life and achievements.
This English edition is from her manuscript written in English.
The Croatian and Serbian editions are translations from her manuscript.
THE DRAEJON – An Epic YA Fantasy Adventure by Glenn Morrissey
Something ancient has awakened in the Valley of Blue Waters. Cut off from the rest of the Sirius Ring for three thousand years, life in the land of myths and legends of the once-powerful Talla Empire is about to get very real.
DANGER, WILL ROBINSON – Memoir by Bill Mumy
SNACK HACKS – Over 100 Fast and Delicious Recipes for Gamers, Coders, Freaks and Geeks by Claudia Christian
“I’ve created fast, simple and delicious recipes and cooking hacks designed to satisfy your taste buds and silence your raging appetite so you can focus on what’s really important-gaming!” – Claudia Christian
BABYLON CONFIDENTIAL – A Memoir of Love, Sex and Addiction by Claudia Christian
When actress Claudia Christian flees a troubled childhood and moves to Hollywood at age 17, she steps through the looking glass into another world. From the set of Dallas to her starring role on the sci-fi series Babylon 5, Claudia’s affairs with billionaires, supermodels, rock stars, and celebrities are mixed with shootings, stalking, heartbreak, and betrayal. Rehab, alternative treatments, and even hypnotism can’t break the cycle of alcohol abuse that threatens to destroy Claudia. Close to despair she discovers The Sinclair Method, a treatment that saves her life. Sometimes shocking, often humorous, always captivating — Babylon Confidential is a story of hope that will inspire and enlighten you.