Charities & Organizations
The Omega Sci-Fi Awards
B5Events is a sponsor of the Omega Sci Fi Awards!
Sci-Fest L.A and Light Bringer Project have co-presented The Tomorrow Prize and The Roswell Award prizes since 2017. Under The Omega Sci-Fi Awards, thousands of writers worldwide have been inspired to explore the art of science fiction short story writing. These competitions for adults worldwide and students in California encourage exploring complex themes that illuminate the greatest issues humanity wrestles with, spark imaginative solutions, and unite the worlds of science and art.
The Roswell Award and The Tomorrow Prize competitions motivate people to think creatively, tell powerful stories, and explore the greatest challenges facing humanity. These stories take us straight to the nexus of social and scientific progress.

The Be A Santa Program for Penny Lane Kids
Sci Fi fans have been making the holidays bright for these kids for over 25 years now! The Be A Santa program makes the holidays happen for the teens in residence with Penny Lane Centers in Los Angeles. We gather funds and donations and I make each teen a gift bag full of stocking stuffers and a Westfield Mall gift card, which is good for any store.
This is a small and very personal program and every cent goes to the kids’ gifts. Watch Patricia’s Facebook Page and sign up for our letters to stay in touch and get more information.
We provide resources for Holiday parties and dinners and free up funds for the other programs Penny Lane provides for children of all ages. It takes about $15,000 to make all of this happen each year. And while most of the activity happens around the holiday season, I can take donations throughout the year.
Head over to to learn more!